Writing Rules

        01. INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS      

The Bioscan an international quarterly journal of life sciences with international editorial board. The journal is online first and then printed. Details can be seen on www.thebioscan.com

        02. AIMS & SCOPE      

The Journal aims to publish original peer reviewed/refereed research paper/reviews on all aspects of life sciences.


Only original research papers are considered for the publication. The authors should declare that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other journal for publication at the same timeand will not be sent to other journal when communicated to The Bioscan until the rejection. The soft copy of the manuscript, complete in all respect should be submitted to the editor through emai id: editorial.thebioscan@gmail.com | submit.thebioscan@gmail.com

        04. FORMAT OF MANUSCRIPT     

All manuscript must be written in English and should be typed double-spaced with wide margin on all sides.

First page of the paper should be headed with the title page, (in capital, font size 16), the name of the authors(in capital, font size 12) and full address of the institutions with pin code, where the work was carried out including email address. A short running title page and 3-5 key words of phrases for indexing. One author should be designated as the corresponding author with contact details.

The main portion of the paper should be divided in to Abstract, Introduction, Material and Method, Result, Discussion (or Result and Discussion together), Acknowledgements (If any) Reference and Legends.

Abstract should be limited to 200 words and should be data oriented reflecting the major findings with a line of conclusion. It should not be structured and theoritical/textual material should be avoided.

Introductions should have basic introduction of the topic, citation of similar important literature, need of the present work with a line of hypothesis the reason for doing the work. Details review of the literature is not necessary. The introduction should preferably conclude with a final paragraph stating concisely and clearly the aims and objective of your investigation.

Materials and Methods should include a brief technical descriptions of the methodology adopted with proper citation while a detailed description is required if the methods are new.

Results should contain observation on experiment done illustrated by tables and figures. Use well known statistical test in preference to obscure ones.

Discussion must not recapitulate result but should be related the author's experiments to other work on the subject and give their conclusions.

All table and figured must be cited sequentially in the text. Figures should be abbreviated to Fig. except in the beginning of a sentence when the word figure should be written out in full.

Computer generated graphs should be sent with the excel files. The photographs should be in the The figures should be drawn on a good quality tracing/ white paper with black ink with the legends provided on a separate sheet. Photographs should be black & white on a glossy sheet with sufficient contrast.

        05. REFERENCES     

The Journal advocates the citation of new papers; old references are better replaced with updated ones. The authors are responsible for the correctness of references.

References should be kept to a minimum and listed in alphabetical order. Personal communication and unpublished data should not be included in reference list. Unpublished paper accepted for publication may be included in the list by designating the journal followed by "in press" in parentheses in the reference list. The list on reference at the end of the text should be in the following format.

1. Witkamp, M. and Olson, J.S. 1963. Breakdown of confined and non-confined Oak Litter. Oikos.14: 138-147

2. Odum. E.P. 1971 Fundamentals of Ecology W.B. Sauder Co. Publ. Philadelphia.p.28.

3. Macfadyen, A.1963. The contributions of microfauna to total soil metabolism. In:Soil organism, J. Doeksen and J.Van Der Drift (Eds). North Holland Publ. Comp., pp-3-16.

References in the next should be quoted by the author's name & year in paranthesis and presented in year order. When there are more than two authors the reference should be quoted as: first author followed by et al., throughout the text. Where more than one paper with same senior author has appeared in on year the references should be distinguished in the text and in the references by letter arranged alphabetically followed by the citation of the year eg. 2004a, 2004b.

Standard abbreviation and units should be used, Sl. units are recommended. Abbreviations should be defined at first appearance and their use in the title and abstract should be avoided. Generic name of chemical should be used. Genus and species names should be typed in italics. Sub-headings should not be in italics.

        06. ETHICS      

Investigators should follow the highest standards for the humane care and use of animals in research. The minimum number of animals that meets rigorous scientific and statistical standards should be used. Research animals shall be properly housed and fed, and their surroundings shall be kept in a sanitary condition. The animals shall receive appropriate anesthetics, analgesics, tranquilizers or care to minimize pain and discomfort during preoperative, operative and postoperative procedures. All experiments using animals should be done under the approval of an institutional animal experiment committee and this should be stated and documented in the text. For experiments on human subjects, informed consent must be obtained from the patients, and the experiments must be approved by an institutional human research committee. This must be stated and documented in the text.

        07. PLAGIARISM     

Plagiarism is a serious issue around the world in the arena of manuscript writing. Plagiarism means "Use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work." this has been noticed that, authors are simply copying scientific data and information from the other published papers, which is an awful practice in academic fraternity. The authors are requested to please adopt the holistic & pragmatic approach to design the manuscript of interest. The journal will not be responsible for further action on Plagiarism issue. The author will be solely responsible for plagiarism issue.

        08. PROOFS AND REPRINT     

Page proofs will be send by e-mail to the corresponding author. The corrected proofs should be return to the Executive Editor within 7 days of receipt. The delay in sending the proof may shift the paper of the next issue. Correspondence through e-mail will only be entertained.

No gratis reprints are supplied. Authors have to purchase 25 or multiple of it (as ordered) by paying the cost decided on the basis of number of printed pages. The paper will not be printed without proper payment of reprint cost in due time.

        09. CORRESPONDENCE     

Any correspondence regarding the manuscript should be made with Executive Editor/Managing Editors on e-mail: editorial.thebioscan@gmail.com | submit.thebioscan@gmail.com.

All correspondence regarding subscription, non receipt of the issues etc. should be made with the Managing Editors.

        10. REMITTANCES     

All payments must be made by electronic transfer (cash deposit/NEFT/RTGS) or by Demand Draft as directed after acceptance of the paper. Outstation cheques will not be accepted.


The following list will be useful during the final checking of an article prior to sending it to the journal for review. Ensure that the following items are present:

  • e-mail address
  • Full postal address along with pin code
  • Key Words
  • All figure captions and captions on X and Y axes of the graphs
  • Manuscript has been spell checked and grammar checked
  • References are in the correct format of the journal
  • All references mentioned in the reference list are cited in the text and vice-versa
  • Permission has been obtained for use of copyright material from other sources (including the web)
  • Statement regarding conflict of interest
  • Statement pertaining to Ethical Committee